Today: My Learning Diaries: After 10 Years In Communications, I Have My Sights Set On Becoming A Full-Fledged Physiotherapist
BY: ALAN CHIANG Published May 7, 2023 The fast-changing nature of work has prompted many Singaporeans to upgrade their skills to stay relevant. TODAY’s Voices section is publishing first-hand accounts of young Singaporeans who have recently done so to give their careers a boost, or even pursue new paths in life. In this instalment, Mr Alan Chiang, […]
Zaobao: 中年转业掌握护理知识 追逐护士梦帮助年长病患
Source: news/singapore/story20221101-1328396 Source:
Channel NewsAsia: New website to provide learning platform for caregivers to improve healthcare skills
Caregivers looking to improve their healthcare skills or learn more about common health issues can soon tap an online guide. It is run by healthcare training provider HMI Institute, which wants to improve access to care for all. Source: Source:
Money 89.3 FM: New HMI Institute Community Initiatives Aimed At Easing The Burden On Home Caregivers From Singapore’s First Dedicated Healthcare Training Provider
Glenn van Zutphen and award-winning author Neil Humphreys are joined by Ms Chin Wei Jia, Group CEO, HMI to talk about the new community initiatives that HMI Institute is launching and the aim of easing the burden on home caregivers and helping them learn new skills to better care for their loved ones. Empowering communities […]
The Straits Times: 10 support workers lauded for contributions to S’pore healthcare industry
SINGAPORE – They hailed from industries such as aviation and food and beverage, but found their calling as healthcare support workers when the chance arose. When Mr See Yong Kang, 28, lost his job as a service crew member in a restaurant during the pandemic, he saw it as a chance to fulfil his aspirations […]
HMI Institute Celebrates 20th Anniversary with Renewed Focus on Healthcare Workforce Development and Enabling Home Caregivers to Better Care for Their Loved Ones and Themselves
Social enterprise furthers its mission to uplift capabilities and build a resilient and future-ready healthcare workforce through workplace-centric and digitally enabled training programmes. In conjunction with the 20th anniversary celebrations, HMI Institute is launching the Carebuddy Community Initiative to help improve access to care for all. The new initiative comprises of an online caregiving […]
The Straits Times: Former financial services consultant makes mid-career switch for purpose, passion
BY: LYN CHAN Published May 25, 2022 When Singapore imposed a stringent circuit breaker in April 2020 to curb escalating Covid-19 infections, Ms Yulia Suriaatmadja, like so many others, found her world upended. Just a month earlier, the 50-year-old had also begun shouldering greater caregiving responsibilities for her ailing 81-year-old father, including attending short eldercare […]
Today: Jobseekers’ Diaries: Retrenched after 30 years in aviation, I feared never working again. Retraining in healthcare changed that
BY: CAROL GOHPublished October 24, 2021 Updated October 25, 2021 Seeing that Covid-19 has led to a manpower shortage in healthcare, the writer decided to join this meaningful profession. As jobs are a top concern for Singaporeans in the Covid-19 crisis, TODAY’s Voices section is publishing first-hand accounts from jobseekers in which they reflect on […]
8World: 【财政预算案2021】中途转业者:培训能掌握新技能职业前景更明朗
文:陈嘉羚 来源 :958城市频道 发布:17/02/2021 07:34 更新: 17/02/2021 07:34 2019冠状病毒疫情当前,许多国人面临就业挑战,有的选择中途专业。 从事建筑领域相关工作15年的杨伟权去年九月决定转行,并加入“新心相连”配套下的技能提升计划,在新康学院接受培训,掌握物理治疗方面的新技能。 杨伟权说,政府推出的援助计划帮助他成功转业,不仅掌握了不同岗位的新知识,还有机会到疗养院等进行实践。 “目前,我正接受物理治疗助理岗位的培训课程,不过课程内容还能让我们学到其他工作岗位的知识,比如护理方面的技能。在接受培训之前,我想帮助患者,从床位移到椅子上,但我没有这方面的知识,接受培训之后我就更有信心。我的培训中,其他同学有四十多、五十多,近六十的人,他们都是抱着求职的心态,但在接受培训之后都认为我们这个年龄,在职业上还能做得更多。” 44岁的林慧琳原本从事销售行业,她在去年十月决定转行,加入海事领域。 “在去年的疫情期间我的朋友有鼓励我尝试转行。差距可以说是蛮大的,因为之前是建筑行业,现在这个行业很不同,不同的行业需要不同的知识、经验和人脉,从中我也学习了新的知识。我转业的时候不简单,公司给我提供了很多在职培训,我学习了数据分析等新技能,能更好帮助我为公司增值。” 副总理兼财政部长王瑞杰在国会发表2021财政年预算案声明时说,政府将再拨出54亿元,通过第二期的“新心相连”就业与技能配套,继续支持国人就业和培训。 Source: Source:
Radio 95.8 FM: 【预算案】中途转业者:培训能掌握新技能 职业前景更明朗
2019冠状病毒疫情当前,许多国人面临就业挑战,有的选择中途专业。 从事建筑领域相关工作15年的杨伟权去年九月决定转行,并加入“新心相连”配套下的技能提升计划,在新康学院接受培训,掌握物理治疗方面的新技能。 Source: 【预算案】中途转业者:培训能掌握新技能 职业前景更明朗 (16/02/2021) [Podcast] – meLISTEN Source: 【预算案】中途转业者:培训能掌握新技能 职业前景更明朗 (16/02/2021) [Podcast] – meLISTEN