Adapting to Change
Learn how to exercise flexibility in behaviours or approaches to respond to changes.

In the context of today’s world, many would agree that ‘Change is the only constant’. The rate of change is fast and continues to accelerate and there is little that we can do to avoid it. If we try to resist change, we are going to be left behind in our careers and our personal lives. Coping with and adapting to change has become essential skills everyone needs to learn.
At the end of the programme, participants will be able to understand how change impact our lives, develop a well-prepared mindset for change, adopt techniques to respond and adapt to change in order to thrive in a changing environment.
Course Outline
- Introduction to STAND model for Change Management
- Emotional check in and regulation to be positive
- Current situation and challenges
- Alternatives and resources
- Best options and measuring progress
- Individual change plan
Target Audience
- Professionals, managers and executives (PMEs)
- Healthcare professionals
- All who are considering to enter the healthcare industry
Upon completion of the course, the participants will be awarded the Certificate of Completion by HMI Institute.

Course Duration
1 Day Course (9.00am to 6.00pm)
Course Venue
Synchronous E-learning (Zoom)
Course Fee
$486 (Subject to GST)
UTAP Funding Available
NTUC members can enjoy up to 50% unfunded course fee support with the UTAP funding
* For more information on UTAP, please visit the NTUC website.