Stoma Management

Be equipped with knowledge and skills in stoma care, including anatomy, pouching system management, and recognition of stoma complications.

Stoma Management 1


This course aims to provide knowledge and skills in providing stoma care. It introduces basic anatomy and physiology of the gastrointestinal tract in relation to the different types of abdominal stoma and the principles of management in emptying and changing of pouches. Recognition of stoma complications will be discussed.

Course Objectives

At the end of the course, participants should be able to:

  1. Explain the basic anatomy and physiology of the gastrointestinal and the urinary system.
  2. Discuss the term stoma and its purposes.
  3. Relate the functions to the different types of stoma and its effluents.
  4. Discuss the psychological support and life style management
  5. Recognise the types colostomies and its siting.
  6. Describe the components to a pouching system
  7. Perform stoma care in changing and applying the pouch with accordance to the organisational guidelines.
  8. Recognise stoma complications, documentation and escalation of abnormal findings.

Course Outline

  1. Basic anatomy and physiology of the gastrointestinal and the urinary system.
  2. Stoma:
    • Purposes/Characteristics
    • Types of ostomy/Siting/Functions
    • Potential problems/complications of stomas
  3. Components of Pouching system
  4. Stoma care management: Assessment/ Preparation/ Performance/Follow-up
  5. Living with stoma – psychological support and life style management
  6. Perform stoma care in changing and applying the pouch
  7. Documentation and escalation

Target Audience

  1. Senior Healthcare Assistants
  2. Enrolled Nurses
  3. Registered Nurses


Upon completion of the course, the participants will be awarded the Certification of Completion by HMI Institute.

Stoma Management 1

Course Date

18 April to
20 April 2023

25 April to
27 April 2023

9 May to
11 May 2023

23 May to
25 May 2023

6 June to
8 June 2023

21 June to
23 June 2023

4 July to
6 July 2023

11 July to
13 July 2023

Course Time

9.00am – 6.00pm

Course Date

18 April to 20 April 2023

25 April to 27 April 2023

9 May to 11 May 2023

23 May to 25 May 2023

6 June to 8 June 2023

21 June to 23 June 2023

4 July to 6 July 2023

11 July to 13 July 2023

Course Time

9.00am – 6.00pm

Course Date & Registration

Course Duration

1 Day
Mode: In-person training

Course Venue

HMI Institute

Course Fee

$152.25 per participant

* Subject to GST



HMI Institute reserves the right to postpone or cancel the courses if minimum enrolment is not met.